Packages and Prices


Current prices in CAD, PLN, USD (click here)

IPTV Basic

iptv premium

10 €/monthly

(Billed 10€ monthly)

  • 1 Connection
  • +7000 Iptv Premium Live Streams
  • Multi language updated VOD
  • Support
  • Support all devices

IPTV Premium

iptv premium

8.33 €/monthly

(Billed 25€ every 3 months)

  • 1 Connection
  • +7000 Iptv Premium Live Streams
  • Multi language updated VOD
  • Support
  • Support all devices

IPTV Extreme

iptv premium

7.50 €/monthly

(Billed 45€ every 6 months)

  • 1 Connection
  • +7000 Iptv Premium Live Streams
  • Multi language updated VOD
  • Support
  • Support all devices


iptv premium

6.67 €/monthly

(Billed 80€ yearly)

  • 1 Connection
  • +7000 Iptv Premium Live Streams
  • Multi language updated VOD
  • Support
  • Support all devices

IPTV week Pass

iptv premium

5 €/weekly

(Billed 5€ weekly)

  • 1 Connection
  • +7000 Iptv Premium Live Streams
  • Multi language updated VOD
  • Support
  • Support all devices

24hr Pass

iptv premium

1.99 €/24h

(Billed one time)

  • 1 Connection
  • +7000 Iptv Premium Live Streams
  • Multi language updated VOD
  • Support
  • Support all devices

Our IPTV plans include :

iptv epg


Whether it’s on now or later, our EPG system will make it easy for you to simply choose and record the channels you would want to see. In fact, our entire panel is based on being able to see what’s currently happening in your favorite channels. Everything’s flexible for you. Please note that EPG is not working for all countries.
settings iptv


With 7,000+ channels on our watch list, you have the chance to choose between watching on your television screen, computer screen, or smartphone. Actually, if you can just download the Android app or add in either the Kodi or Enigma2 plugin, then you’ll be ready to go.
iptv premium certificated

Customer Happines

Our company leads by example. We care for you and we want to continually improve with what we can offer. That’s why we prioritise your happiness above all else. Using different methodologies, approaches, and analysing data, we aim to understand your needs based on your interactions with IPTV. We’re in the service of building a relationship with you and want to ensure that you only experience the best of what we have to offer. We have a wonderful team of people who have a proactive approach in listening to your current problems, concerns, and we’re always welcome to hearing your ideas about how we can improve. You’re part of our community and we only want what’s best for you.

Reliable support

Because we want to give you reliable support every day of the week, we have support technicians to provide support for you. You can either contact us using email, get one of our support tickets, or fill up the handy form in this website and we’ll contact you as fast as we can.

Easy online access

Even though you have your TV screen in front of you, you have the option of watching your favourite channels (out of the 7,000) on your laptop screen! We choose to provide you HD streaming services, no matter what size.

Reliable servers

With over 40, 000 viewers part of our (growing) community, we need the best servers to cater to everyone. That is why we only provide top-notch services that ensure our IPTV servers are never down and keep performance high, no matter what time of the day it is. Because we want to provide the best for you.